The lecture Special Attention to our Emotions attracts hundreds of participants and questions about living in the current scenario in which we live

The issue of perception, the understanding of the work environment, the home, the control of emotions and the adaptation before the distance imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic were the themes of the virtual lecture given by the master in Social Psychology, psychologist Evanuzia Luzia de Oliveira. The event, promoted by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, led to reflection on the current situation and the search for physical, spiritual and emotional balance.

For about two hours, the speaker dealt with sensitive current topics in an objective and direct manner. With this, subjects such as empathy, the discovery of new physical and leisure activities, the search for a hobby, and the understanding that we don't need to control situations that are adverse to our responsibility, as well as subjects such as mourning and anxiety resulting from the pandemic, were observed by the speaker. "In everything in our lives we can have opportunities for learning and getting sick. So we have to learn from the situation", she emphasized.

After answering the viewers' questions, the psychologist gave tips on how to face family and interpersonal situations, the practice of physical activities, the moment to seek professional help, the fight against emotional triggers that can trigger panic and anxiety disorders, and even breathing techniques, as a complement to face anxiety, seeking emotional balance. "Everything in our lives needs balance. I need to be okay with people and I also need to be okay alone. If I want to be very lonely, everything has to have balance. Strive to be in the midst of people, seek alternatives. Don't go running into that comfort zone for yourself, that in the long run it won't do you any good," she reminded.

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