IEES and Copedem hold another edition of the Supplementary Health Legal Journey

Following the Juridical Journey of dialogues promoted by the Institute for Supplementary Health Studies (IEES), in partnership with the Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) and the Juridical Consulting Body (CONJUR), another edition of the Supplementary Health Legal Journey Webinar was held this Thursday (23rd), through the YouTube platform on the Internet.

The event included a lecture by Justice Marco Buzzi (STJ), with Ms. Nathalia Pompeu, from Abramge, and Mr. Arnaldo Hossepian, from MPSP, as debaters, under the mediation of Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) and deputy director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

At the opening ceremony, Justice Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem and General Director of Esmat, reinforced the need to debate supplementary health in the current context. “We hope that the studies and research presented in this meeting will be extremely useful in this period in which users need support in the health system. However, we know that the judicialization of supplementary health has been constant and demands improvement in the technical studies and understanding of the system so that the Law does not excessively burden or harm the rights of other beneficiaries, nor put in risk the balance and subsistence of the Plan. Copedem and the IESS have worked hard over the years to produce high quality courses and legal congresses in this área. We hope that the very high quality technical studies in this Congress Will continuously contribute to the improvement of the system”, he stated.

Judge Etelvina Sampaio Felipe said that the mediation of the event allows the successful experience in the State of Tocantins to be exposed, with the creation of CEMAS/TO - coordinated in the State of Tocantins by the competent Judge Milene de Carvalho Henrique - and of NATJus/TO, essential instruments in the treatment of individual and collective demands that deal with access to the right to health. "The former aims to propose concrete and normative measures aimed at the prevention of legal conflicts and the definition of strategies seeking the resolution of collective issues regarding the right to health, while Tocantins' NatJus has the character of resolution, rationality, training, and pedagogical effect for the members who consult it, thus being a valuable tool for the de-judicialization of Public Health in the State of Tocantins. We need, therefore, to encourage all those who work in the justice system and the magistrates to consult the technical notes and the scientific technical opinions before filing a lawsuit and making decisions", she affirmed.

The theme of the new meeting will be Tools to support judicial decisions on health issues. The event is an opportunity to address issues such as: How can Judges make use of existing systems, even in situations of urgency and emergency, as subsidies for decision making? What requirements do these systems need to meet for effective decision support? What means can collaborate to promote mediation and conflict reduction? How to create a friendlier and less conflictive environment, avoiding excessive controversy in the courts, which is time consuming and burden to the health system?

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