X Legal Congress of Supplementary Health discusses judicialization, access to procedures and changes in tariffs based on age

Discussions on access to procedures and the financial changes based on age groups and access to the supplementary health care for thousands of Brazilian consumers were the themes debated during the 10th Supplementary Health Legal Congress, promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) in partnership with the Institute for Supplementary Health Studies (IEES), and the Legal Advisor – CONJUR and partnership with AMB, ENM, TJDF-T, and Fenahealth.

The event had as speakers Minister Ricardo Villas Boas Cueva – STJ; Dr. José Cechin – IESS; Minister João Otávio de Noronha – STJ; Dr. Alexandre Fioranelli – Director of DIPRO – ANS; Dr. Carla Soares – Deputy Director of DIPRO – ANS; Minister Antônio Saldanha Palheiro – STJ; Dr. Paulo Rebello – President of ANS; Minister Luis Felipe Salomão – STJ and Dr. Clemente Nóbrega  and as Dr. Luiz Celso Dias Lopes – IESS and having as debaters Dr. Cássio Ide Alves – Abramge; Dr. Denizar Vianna – UERJ and the Federal Judge Clenio Jair Schulze. 

Promoted for the first time after the pandemic, the Congress was also followed live by the external public for free on YouTube and the IESS website. At the opening, the President of COPEDEM, Justice Marco Villas Boas emphasized the happiness in the resumption of the presential activities, even with a restricted audience and reinforced the commitment of Copedem to promote debates and current discussions about the Brazilian society. “The role of Copedem has been to maintain this permanent forum of debates about the supplementary health system in order to understand and provide contributions for the improvement of the system,” he said.

With important names from the Brazilian Judiciary and the participation of supplementary health institutions, the Congress seeks to expand and foster the dialogue about the judicialization of the sector. The program includes four panels with lectures and debates on themes such as readjustment, ANS’ list of procedures, and health techs.


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