CNJ holds seminar on empirical research applied to judicial policies - panel on "empirical research in judicial management and structure

The Seminar on Empirical Research Applied to Judicial Policies will take place this Thursday (April 7th). The event aims at discussing of researches on the judiciary and exchanging experiences among public servers, researchers, students and those interested in empirical research and data generation methodologies.

The Empirical Research Applied to Judicial Policies has a relevance when applied by magistrates and servers of the Judiciary, making academic and scientific knowledge directly applied by those who deal daily with the provision of justice.

The Seminars have been held by the National Council of Justice, through the Judicial Research Department, since May 2021, always with new subjects, and occur every other week, on Thursdays

In this edition of the Seminar on Empirical Research Applied to Judicial Policies, it will be possible to present how this research is applied in the very structuring and organization of the Judicial Branch, with the purpose of: a) making access to Justice possible for more defendants; b) improving the work by means of specialization; or c) being a vector of contribution to the economic and social development of where the courts are installed.

The theme of this week will be EMPIRICAL RESEARCHES IN JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT AND STRUCTURE, with the presentation of the Researches: "Restructuring of the Courts of the Judicial Power of the State of Ceará: study on the specialization of competencies in the Courts with 2, 3, 4 and 5 units", and "Access to Justice: physical, institutional and socioeconomic mapping of the labor courts and litigations in the State of Minas Gerais".

Thus, throughout the Seminars, it is intended to promote a space for debate and reflection on the Researches on Judicial Policies. The event will take place virtually, at 5pm, and will be broadcast by the CNJ YOUTUBE CHANNEL.


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