Urban cleaning - Open to the entire population, Sustainable Pedal starts at 6 a.m. this Saturday (August 28th), at TJTO's headquarters and ends with a joint effort in Graciosa

The Sustainability Network of the State of Tocantins, which is coordinated by the Court of Justice (TJTO), will hold this Saturday (August 28th), the Sustainable Pedal in celebration of the National Day of Urban Cleaning, celebrated this Friday (August 27th). The route starts at the exit of the TJTO headquarters, in Palmas, heading to the Graciosa Beach Edge, where there will also be a cleaning task force, with the participation of all members of the Network.

Judge Angela Prudente, who chairs the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Logistic Plan of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (PLS-PJTO), points out that the event celebrates an important date for the environment and that the idea is to make society aware of the correct disposal of waste.

“This is another important action of the Sustainable Network of the State of Tocantins, since the date is significant for the environment and for public health, with the goal of raising awareness among public servers who are part of the bodies that make up the Network and society in general about the importance of the correct disposal of waste and the care that must be taken to protect the environment, in addition to promoting quality of life through the practice of cycling," said the Judge.

Pedal Kit

According to the Socio-environmental Management Center (Nuges-TJTO), each participant should, on the day of the event, come equipped with protective gloves, alcohol gel and bags to collect the garbage improperly discarded on the beach. Judge Angela Prudente also emphasizes the importance of the correct disposal of waste and the work done by the cleaning professionals.

“The importance of the action lies in promoting greater awareness about the contribution to the maintenance of cleanliness in public places in our city, so that we can facilitate the work of urban cleaning professionals, who work daily so that people can enjoy a healthy and clean environment. The incorrect disposal of trash on the beach causes contamination of the sand, water, and aquatic animals, besides the bad smell, esthetic degradation, and also damages local tourism", highlights the Judge, taking the opportunity to invite the whole community interested to come to the gathering place, in the parking lot of TJTO's headquarters, starting at 6am, with the start heading to Graciosa Beach at 6:30am.

Traffic-controlled pedal

The route to the beach will have agents of the Palmas City Hall to control traffic. Arrival at the site is scheduled for 7:15am, with the joint effort starting at 7:30am. The event is scheduled to end at 9am.

The Network

The Sustainable Network of the State of Tocantins, coordinated by the TJTO, is composed by the government of the State of Tocantins, through the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources (Semarh), Sanitation Agency of the State of Tocantins (ATS), Palmas City Hall, Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Embrapa), the Electoral Court, the State Prosecution of the State of Tocantins (MPE), the State Public Defender's Office (DPE), the State Audit Court (TCE), the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), and the State University of Tocantins (Unitins).


Date: August 28th 2021 (Saturday)

Starting Point: TJTO's Parking Lot (headquarter)

Arrival Point: Graciosa Beach Edge

Departure Time: 6h30 am

Arrival Time at the beach: 7h15am

Joint Effort's starting time: 8 to 9am

Action ending: 9am

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