Tomorrow, August 31st at 11am: JurisHealth presents Jurishealth Legal Seminar on Supplementary Health

Undertaking implies taking risks in order to make gains. This is an elementary principle of capitalism and free enterprise. But to have a clear assessment of an economic activity, it is necessary to be clear about the needs to be met - including legal requirements - and the resources destined to the activity. Only then it is possible to measure the risks of an activity and, in light of market information, to measure its potential return. In the health insurance market it is no different.

Once the rules of the supplementary health activity have been established, such as the legal regulations, regulatory governance, and obligations such as the formation of technical reserves, it is up to each company to map the risks, identify opportunities for efficiency gains, and become competitive. But what about when external interventions can compromise the predictability of this business? Especially if the controversies occur in the legal field?

It is to debate this issue that IESS, Copedem (Permanent College of Directors of Schools of the Judges) and the Conjur portal (Legal Advisor) hold tomorrow (August 31st), from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., another Legal Seminar on Supplementary Health.

The initiative is presented by JurisHealth, IESS platform focused on legal and regulatory information on supplementary health. The meeting will address the "Economic predictability in health insurance contracts" and can be followed on the IESS website and YouTube channels of the IESS and Conjur.

It will be a special opportunity to debate topics such as:

Good faith in contracts;

Pricing and Adjustments;

Services, coverage and access rules (mandatory coverage list);

Legal and regulatory risks; and

Investment Attractiveness;

Predictability of contracts.


Lecturer – Ministeer Luis Felipe Salomão, from STJ

Commentator – Maílson da Nóbrega, former Finance Minister

Mediator – Justice Marco Villas Boas, President of Copedem

Debater – Daniel Tostes, ANS attorney

Debater – José Cechin, executive superintendent of the IESS

Schedule yourself

JurisHealth presents Supplementary Health Legal Seminar - Economic predictability in health insurance contracts

August 31st

From 11am to 13pm

IESS – Site and YouTube

Conjur - Youtube

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