Registrations Are Open For The Course On “Environmental Law And Agrarian Contracts: Sustainability And Legal Practice”

This Tuesday (February 11th), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) opens registrations for the course on “Environmental Law and Agrarian Contracts: Sustainability and Legal Practice”. Offering fifty places, distributed among magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins and external audiences (lawyers and/or partners of the Justice System), the training will be held in person on March 20th and 21st.

Those interested in taking part in the course, which is coordinated by Justice Ângela Issa Haonat, can sign up for clicking here.

With the presence of Professor Marília Longo and Professor Antonio Carmelo Zanette, the initiative aims to teach students how to understand, apply and integrate environmental and agrarian legislation, with a focus on sustainability, conflict resolution and legal certainty, contributing to efficient, innovative and interdisciplinary action in the agricultural and land sector.

For more information on payment of daily rates, class schedules and CVs of the professors, click here and check out the Notice nº 12, of 2025.

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