Course On Simple Language In The Judiciary Will Be Held In February

On February 19th, 20th and 21st will be held the course on "Simple Language in the Judiciary: practice beyond words". Aimed at servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins, and server of partner bodies, the training will take place in person at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of  Tocantins (Esmat).

With a workload of 20 hours, it is expected that at the end of the course the participants will be able to write texts so that the general public can read and understand them, without losing sight of the legal context in which the content is part of and the institutional objective of promoting justice.

For this training, registrations will be made by appointment in the specific SEI Process. More information, check out here.

The learning facilitator responsible for teaching the activities is Adelyse Morais Lopes, UX Writer and coordinator of the Simple Language Program of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT).

About Adelyse Morais Lopes

Graduated in Advertising, with post-graduation in Cinema and Public Law. Worked in advertising agencies, production companies and communication consulting. She has a training in DESIGN THINKING, agile methods, WEBWRITING, Graphic Facilitation, Simple Language, Legal DESIGN and Visual Law  Instructional Design and UX WRITING. Member of the Plain Language Association International (PLAIN). Member of the Simple Language Lab. Creator of the distance course on Simple Language: to know and practice, in the Court of Justice of the Federal District and the Territories (TJDFT).

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