Esmat Develops Course Focused On Financial Education

From February 6th to March 7th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will hold the 9th class of the course on “Financial Education for Consumers - My bills up to date at Cejusc”. With 20 class hours in hybrid mode, the face-to-face activities will be held at Cejusc Ulbra and the distance learning activities at the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat (AVA).

The classes will be taught by four facilitators: Cláudia Maria de Melo, Rogério Lopes da Conceição, Liliane de Moura Borges and Adriano Barreira Andrade, with the aim of providing consumers with financial education and psychosocial guidance on consumption and ways of dealing with over-indebtedness.

The project is part of the set of measures established by the Law No. 14,181, of July 1st, 2021, which amended the Consumer Protection Code (Law No. 8,078, of 1990), especially article 104-A of that law, regarding the process of collective debt renegotiation.

Check out the Notice clicking here.

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