Registration for Module VI of the Modular Course on Innovation Lab, Intelligence Center and Sustainable Development Goals is now open

Registration: May 10th to 16th, 2021 through the link:



Classes Period: May 5th, 2021 to June 25th, 2021

Modality: Distance learning with tutoring.

Vacancies: 120, 60 for judges and 60 for civil servers of the Judiciary, both from all spheres and instances of the Judiciary. 

The chronological order of the registrations will be observed. If the number of registered applicants exceeds the number of expected vacancies, there will be a draw for the vacancies.

To participate in the selection process, the server is required to send a pdf file of the graduation diploma, in any area, until May 5th, 2021, to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., subject line: LIODS Course - Module 6. In the same e-mail, inform whether or not you work as a cabinet advisor and indicate your assignment unit.

Observation: the priority of the vacancie It is the student's prerogative not to miss any course module, regardless of whether or not there is a drawing for vacancies.

Target Audience:  Magistrates e Servers of the Judicial Power.

Class load: 49 class hours

Local: Platform developed by the Paranaense Association of Federal Judges:

Realization: Paranaense Association of Federal Judges in partnership with the United Nations Development Program; National Justice Council; Innovation and Intelligence Laboratory and Sustainable Development Goals of the National Justice Council and Judicial Studies Center of the Federal Justice Council.

APAJUFE's partnership with UNDP and CNJ derives from the Partnership Institution Agreement 00034161 to execute the BRA 19/012 Project for the realization of the mentioned course.


Débora do Carmo Vicente

Master's in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Postgraduate in Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Public Law. Bachelor of Laws - PUCRS. Permanent employee of the TRE-RS. Coordinator of the Electoral Judiciary School of Rio Grande do Sul - EJERS. She participated in an Academic Internship Program at the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN in New York - NY- United States, during the 60th. Session of the CSW - Commission on the Status of Women - Commission on the Legal and Social Status of Women in 2016, signing of the Paris Climate Agreement (April 2016) and meetings on the implementation of Agenda 2030. ENFAM Trainer of Trainers.

Juliana Moreira Reis Garcia Guedes

Judiciary Technician for the Superior Electoral Court. Graduate in Law from the State University of Piauí (UESPI) - Teresina/PI; Postgraduate in Electoral Law from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) - Teresina/PI; Master in Public Law from the University of Vale of Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) - São Leopoldo/RS. University Professor of regular subjects of the Law course - human rights and constitutional law (August/2011 to July/2016). Subject taught in specialization in electoral law by ESA/OAB-PI (2015). Advisor at the Electoral Judiciary School of the TSE (May/2019 to May/2020). Lectures, minicourses and academic productions on human rights. Consultancy and minicourses on scientific methodology.

Thiago Assunção

Professor of International Relations at Positivo University - UP. Guest researcher at the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Stanford University. PhD in International Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo - USP, with a period as visiting researcher at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) with a CAPES scholarship. Honorable mention for best doctoral thesis, written and defended in English, granted by the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair at UFPR and by UNHCR - UN High Commissioner for Refugees. He holds a Master's degree in Education for Peace: Human Rights, International Cooperation and European Union Policies, from the University of Roma Tre (Italy), revalidated by UNICAMP (Master in International Relations in the San Tiago Dantas Program), and a Law degree from Unicuritiba, with an exchange period at the University of Lisbon Law School (Portugal). He was a Fellow of the Global Public Policy Institute, in the Global Governance Futures 2030 program (Germany). He was the Advisor to the Board of the Department of Human Rights and Citizenship of the Secretariat of Justice of the State of Paraná. He was a Program Officer at Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights in Rome (Italy), and worked at UNESCO offices in Paris (France). He took some courses at the International Institute of Human Rights (France) and at The Hague Academy of International Law (Netherlands), both with scholarships. He is a member of the Latin American Society of International Law (SLADI), and of the UN Global Compact Commission of the OAB-PR. Lawyer and international consultant. Areas of interest: public international law and human rights; migration, refugees and stateless people; international organizations, democracy and global governance; international cooperation for human and sustainable development; regional integration.


General notions of each SDG of the "People Dimension". Dimension "People Axis of the 2030 Agenda" and the Judiciary. Work done by the ODS 5 Target 9 CNJ Group. Standardization and Implementation of the Harassment Committees in the Courts. Resolution 255 CNJ and working group. CNJ policies regarding Domestic Violence. General Notions about Judgment with Gender Perspective. ODS 5 and ODS 17 - Interinstitutional Commission on Gender in the State of Paraná.



This module is part of a larger course of 10 modules on Innovation Lab, Intelligence Center and Sustainable Development Goals. The course aims to provide knowledge about the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Intelligence Centers and Innovation Labs; and to study the integration of the 2030 Agenda to the Judiciary (Goal 9 CNJ) in order to help improve the provision of jurisdictional services.


- Analyze each of the Sustainable Development Goals of the people axis.

- Analyze the SDGs of the people axis from the perspective of the Judiciary. Understand the goals and indicators of SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

- Describe the importance of Agenda 2030 and the possibilities for improving people's quality of life.

- Implement the knowledge about the SDGs in the jurisdictional activity as applicable within its area of expertise.

- Comment on how each analyzed SDG can change the jurisdictional performance after its understanding.

- Analyze the activities developed in the innovation lab on each SDG.

- Analyze the actions developed by the Judiciary regarding the people axis.

- Explain the activities developed by LIODS in some SDGs of this axis.

- Implement the knowledge about SDG 3 in the jurisdictional activity as applicable within its area of expertise.

- Comment on how the analyzed SDG 3 can change the jurisdictional performance after its understanding.

- Analyze the activities developed in the innovation lab on SDG 3.

- Analyze the actions developed by the Judiciary regarding the health of judges and employees.

- Explain the activities developed by LIODS in some SDGs of this axis.

- Explain how LIODS can help rationalize health-related demands.

- Implement the knowledge about SDG 4 in the jurisdictional activity as applicable within its area of expertise.

- Comment on how the analyzed SDG 4 can change the jurisdictional performance after its understanding.

- Analyze the activities developed in the innovation lab on SDG 4.

- Analyze the actions developed by the Judiciary regarding the people axis.

- Explain the activities developed by LIODS in some SDGs of this axis.

- Implement the knowledge about SDG 5 in the jurisdictional activity as applicable within its area of expertise.

- Comment on how the analyzed SDG 5 can change the jurisdictional performance after its understanding.

- Analyze the activities developed in the innovation lab on SDG 5 and 17.

- Analyze the actions developed by the Judiciary regarding the people axis.

- Explain the activities developed by LIODS in some SDGs of this axis 

- Analyze the possibility of applying the judgment method with a gender perspective in the construction of decisions

- Analyze the possibility of implementing the inter-institutional gender commission model in your respective state.

- Analyze the CNJ's policies regarding domestic violence and, if necessary, suggest any new ones.


  1. ODS 1 General Notions
  2. ODS 2 General Notions 
  3. ODS 3 General Notions 
  4. ODS 4 General Notions
  5. ODS 5 General Notions
  6. ODS 6 General Notions
  7. ODS 1 and Judiciary Branch
  8. ODS 2 and Judiciary Branch
  9. ODS 10 and Judiciary Branch.
  10. ODS 3 - Health and Wellness and the Judiciary.

10.1. CNJ's Policy for Integral Attention to the Health of Judges and Servers of the Judiciary

10.2. Health Committee and the activities related to the judicialization of health

10.3. Inter-institutional Virtual Platform for Covid-19 demands

  1. ODS 4 - Quality Education and the Judiciary
  2. ODS 5 - Gender Equality and the Judiciary

12.1. Work done by the ODS 5 Target 9 CNJ Group

12.2.  Standardization and Implementation of the Harassment Committees in the Courts

12.3. Resolution 255 CNJ and working group

12.4. CNJ Policies regarding Domestic Violence

12.5. General Notions on Trial with a Gender Perspective

12.6 e 1.2.7. SDG 5 and SDG 17 - Inter-institutional Commission on Gender in the State of Paraná

12.8. LIS TRF3 Platform - Sexual Immortality Law


Paranaense Association of Federal Judges in partnership with the United Nations Development Program; National Justice Council; Innovation and Intelligence Laboratory and Sustainable Development Goals of the National Justice Council and Judicial Studies Center of the Federal Justice Council. 

APAJUFE's partnership with UNDP and CNJ stems from the Partnership Institution Agreement 00034161 to execute the BRA 19/012 Project to conduct the Modular Course on Innovation, Intelligence and Sustainable Development Goals Laboratory of CNJ (LIODS-CNJ). 


The action was planned to be performed in 12 (twelve) topics of programmatic content and will be held in the platform developed by the Federal Judges Association of Paraná (https// and will last for 38 (thirty-eight) days from May 18th, 2021. 

Instructional Resources/Media:

Text files, videos; chats, e-mails, thematic forums, webconference tool, or other resources capable of favoring interaction and collaboration.


The interaction among the participants is indispensable for the success of this course. It will be motivated by dialogue, exchange of experiences, and group and individual activities. In addition to the lecture classes, there will be synchronous dialogued classes, providing the student with a differentiated space for socializing knowledge.

Synchronous activities not foreseen in this plan will be at the discretion of the tutor(s) and agreed upon with the students.

Acting and responsibility of the trainee:

- Access the course regularly, dedicating yourself to the studies for, on average, 1 (one) hour a day;

- Observe the notices sent by the coordination and tutoring;

- Pay attention to the evaluation criteria adopted

- Participate actively in the debates;

- Fulfill the activities within the established deadline;

- Answer the reaction evaluation.


The evaluation system for the purpose of obtaining the certificate complies with the following cumulative requirements: virtual attendance and learning. 

- Virtual attendance evaluation

The student must have a virtual attendance of at least 70% of the videos and live classes. Attendance is computed by viewing the video and attending the live class. 

- Learning Evaluation:

  1. a) Discussion forum and synchronous classes (up to 60 points): during the module, the student must, obligatorily, participate actively in the discussion forum and synchronous classes, for which the following criteria will be observed:

- demonstration of understanding of the contents and contribution to deepen the debates through new arguments;

- capacity of articulation and dialogue about the themes, bringing to knowledge doctrine and jurisprudence;

- coherence and objectivity of the considerations;

- ability to analyze and synthesize the ideas presented;

- Politeness, courtesy and respect for the opinions presented.

  1. c)Paper (up to 40 points): the final activity of the course consists in the preparation of a paper covering the content of the module, with 3 pages, and that addresses the student's impression about the SDGs of the institutional dimension and the Brazilian Judiciary. Such papers may be part of a publication (virtual and/or physical) of this module

-  Reaction Evaluation:

At the end of the course, an evaluation of reaction will be applied to provide input for the improvement of future courses. The evaluation of reaction report will present the level of student satisfaction in relation to aspects of the course: participant performance, planning, interaction spaces, support from the EaD Team and applicability at work. 


The approval is linked to the completion of the activities proposed by the tutor, virtual attendance of 70% of the videos added to a performance equal to or higher than 70% of the total grade of the course and completion of the reaction evaluation.


The certificate will be available after the filling of the reaction evaluation. The Module will be certified by the Innovation and Intelligence Laboratory and Sustainable Development Goals of the National Council of Justice, Judicial Studies Center of the Federal Justice Council, United Nations Development Program, Paranaense Association of Federal Judges.


In proccess.

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