Brazilian Book Chamber Announces The 2nd Edition Of The Jabuti Academic Award, With A New Category Dedicated To Translation

The Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) has announced the second edition of the Jabuti Academic Award, created in 2024 to honor academic, scientific, technical and professional works. The award recognizes and values the excellence of Brazilian academic production, highlighting the work of authors and publishers dedicated to these segments. New this year is the inclusion of the Translation category, which reinforces the commitment of the award to diversity and the dissemination of knowledge.

Works published in their first edition between January 1st and December 31st, 2024, are eligible for the award, considering those that have never been published in any format as unpublished. In addition, the titles must have an ISBN and Catalogue Sheet issued in Brazil, in compliance with legal requirements.

Registrations are open until 6pm on March 20th, 2025, via the official website.

The awards are divided into two axes: Science and Culture, with 27 categories; and Special Awards, which this year includes the new Translation category, as well as two others. There are a total of 30 categories.

Another new feature of this edition is that each work can only be entered in one category of the Jabuti Academic Award, with the exception of the Illustration category, which accepts entries from titles that are also participating in any other category of the axes.

The winning authors will receive the statuette at a special ceremony, as well as a R$5,000 prize. The publishers of the winning works will receive a Jabuti statuette.

Sevani Matos, president of the Brazilian Book Chamber, emphasizes the importance of the initiative: “The Jabuti Academic Award is a recognition, a way of giving even more value to works in academic, technical and professional areas, revealing the quality of Brazilian scientific production. Last year there were 1,953 entries, which demonstrates the strength of the first edition of the Award. We are excited to once again recognize the academic excellence of the country,” she says.

For the second year, the award has the support of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).


The Science and Culture axis covers 27 categories: Food Science and Nutrition; Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Veterinary Medicine, Zootechnics and Fisheries Resources; Biological Sciences, Biodiversity and Biotechnology; Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy; Nursing, Pharmacy, Collective Health and Social Work; Medicine; Dentistry; History and Archaeology; Anthropology, Sociology, Demography, Political Science and International Relations; Education and Teaching; and Philosophy.

This axis also includes the categories of Religious Sciences and Theology; Geography and Geosciences; Psychology and Psychoanalysis; Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism; Architecture, Urbanism, Design and Urban and Regional Planning; Communication and Information; Law; Economics; Arts; Letters, Linguistics and Literary Studies; Astronomy and Physics; Computer Science; Mathematics, Probability and Statistics; Chemistry and Materials, and Engineering.

The Special Awards axis, which already had the Science Communication and Illustration categories, is now also launching the Translation category, which will evaluate books in unpublished translation from any language into Portuguese and published in a new edition in Brazil.


For the second year, the curator of the Jabuti Academic Award is Professor Marcelo Knobel, who has a wealth of professional experience. He is a renowned physicist, known for his active defense of universities and science. He recently became executive director of TWAS - The World Academy of Sciences, in Italy.

He was rector of the State University of the city of Campinas (Unicamp) and also served as Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the same institution. Knobel was also director of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory and president of Insper.

“The Jabuti Academic Award gained strength in its first edition because it recognizes and celebrates the results of academic work. For this election, we have the support of a highly qualified and diverse committee of judges, who seek to value works with significant contributions to knowledge and society,” says Marcelo Knobel, curator of the Jabuti Academic Award.

The board of curators for this edition is made up of seven professionals with extensive backgrounds in academia:

  • Bernardo Lessa Horta, professor of the Graduate Program in Epidemiology (UFPel), PhD in Epidemiology from McGill University; coordinator of the Collective Health Area - CAPES and member of the Advisory Committee on Collective Health and Nutrition - CNPq.
  • Débora Foguel, biologist and PhD from the Federal University of the state of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), full professor at the Leopoldo de Meis Institute of Medical Biochemistry at this university, as well as coordinator of the Science for Education Network and researcher at the Center for the Study of Society, Science and University.
  • Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho, psychologist from the Federal University of the state of Pará (UFPA), Master in Social Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of the state of São Paulo (PUC-SP), and PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of the state of São Paulo (USP). He is a full professor at UFPA, linked to the Center for Behavior Theory and Research.
  • João Carlos Pereira da Silva, retired full professor at the Federal University of the city of Viçosa (UFV), where he worked for 46 years. He holds a master's degree and a doctorate in Veterinary Pathology, he has held various positions within MEC and INEP, and he has published dozens of scientific articles in national and foreign journals.
  • Maria do Carmo Rebouças dos Santos, professor of Law at the Federal University of the Southern of the state of Bahia (UFSB) and Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies. PhD in Development, Society and International Cooperation from the Center for Advanced and Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Brasilia (UnB).
  • Marilene Corrêa, full professor at the Federal University of the state of Amazonas, Master in Social Sciences from PUC-SP, PhD in Social Sciences from Unicamp. She has a post-doctorate from the Université de CAEN (France), UNESCO and the Université Gustave Eiffel.
  • Solange Yokozawa, full professor at the Federal University of the state of Goiás (UFG) and adjunct coordinator of the Linguistics and Literature/CAPES academic programs. She has a doctorate from the Federal University of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and she is a CNPq researcher.


As with the Jabuti Award for literary works, the Jabuti Academic Award has a moment dedicated to honors. The Academic Personality - chosen by the CBL - and the Classic Academic Book will be recognized. In the latter case, a public consultation for nominations will be open from January 30th for a period of 30 days. The winner will be chosen by the organization and the curators of the award. The Classic Academic Book is for timeless works that remain relevant and have a captive place in the memory of students from different sectors.


Registrations made in advance, by February 28th, will receive a special price. Visit the awards website for detailed information on each entry profile and the respective fees.

Stages and final ceremony

Information about the semi-finalists and finalists, as well as the date and location of the award ceremony, will be announced throughout the year. The decisions will be announced on the website, on the Jabuti Academic Award and CBL social networks, as well as in press releases.

For more information on the entries, categories and award criteria, visit the official website.

About ABC

The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization. With a current membership of over 900, ABC is recognized as the most prestigious association of scientists in the country. Its focus is the scientific, educational and social welfare development of the country. It contributes to the promotion of science through the recognition of scientific merit, the publication of the journal Annais of ABC and the study of issues of major importance to society, with the aim of providing scientific support for the formulation of public policies. It promotes working groups of scientists of excellence on urgent issues for Brazilian society. It acts in a similar way, with recognized leadership, in international organizations.

About SBPC

The Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) is a civil, non-profit organization with no political or party positions, dedicated to the defense of scientific, technological, educational and cultural advancement in Brazil. Since it was founded in 1948, it has played an important role in the expansion and improvement of the national science and technology system, as well as in the dissemination and popularization of science in the country. Headquartered in the city of São Paulo, it is present in the other Brazilian states through Regional Secretariats. It represents more than 120 affiliated scientific societies and thousands of members. The SBPC actively participates in debates on the direction of S&T policies and education in Brazil. Since 1949, it has held its Annual Meeting, considered to be the largest scientific event in Latin America.

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