Maysa Vendramini Rosal Assumes The Presidency Of The Tjto With A Proposal For Transparent And Effective Justice

Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal took office on Monday (February 3rd), in the Presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) with the defense of transparency and effectiveness in the justice system so that the judiciary fulfills its role in society. "In challenging times, we know that our role is more than just enforcing the law; it’s to ensure that justice is accessible, transparent and effective," she said.

For the new president of the TJTO, the journey of the new management of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins will be marked by the commitment to excellence, human appreciation and the "desire to transform challenges" into opportunities.  "I renew my commitment to justice, equity and respect for the rights of all citizens," she said in her tenure speech in the Chamber of Sessions of the Full Court, exactly 3. 854 days after being promoted to judge on July 17th of 2014, by the criterion of seniority.

Prestigious by authorities of state and municipal agencies and powers, the new president went on to conduct a ceremony at 4:17 pm to give the start to the management of the Judiciary for the 2025-2027 biennium, composed by the vice president Jacqueline Adorno, by the chief of justice, Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho and the deputy chief of justice, Adolfo Amaro Mendes.

Also took office Justice Marco Villas Boas, director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), the 1st deputy director Angela Issa Haonat, and Justices João Rodrigues Filho, in the position of judicial ombudsman, Eurípedes Lamounier, as substitute ombudsman, and Justice Ângela Prudente, as ombudsman of the woman.

Management strategies

Among the efforts highlighted by the president for the management of the judiciary between 2025 and 2027, are the "constant improvement" of judicial practices, in continuity with the ongoing actions initiated by previous administrations and the encouragement to the continuous training of magistrates and servers.

The use of new technologies was also highlighted by Justice Maysa Rosal, as instruments for "greater speed and effectiveness" to the judicial service. "Updating and knowledge are fundamental pillars for excellence in justice," she said.

In addition to foster technological development, as a secure basis for the growth of the local Judiciary, a consequence of both population and economic growth of the state of Tocantins, the Justice has committed to expand investments in the area of physical and mental health of magistrates and servers. "They are our most precious asset".

The president also guaranteed continuity and speed to the judicial contest - in progress -, with which it intends to fill gaps in the counties of the State. 

For the second instance, she promised continuity to the project of structuring and expansion in search of strengthening the TJTO for the next challenges.

Acknowledgement and gratitude 

The president dedicated the first part of her speech "to those who helped me so much in my life trajectory and in my growth process" - her family, with members of the states of Ceará, Piauí and Goiás, friends of five decades, servers of her office for a decade, judges of the state of Tocantins and other states.

Maysa Rosal made a special mention to Justices Romeu Pires de Campos Barros, Arinam de Loyola Fleury and Pedro Soares Correia, all of the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás, already deceased, pointed them out as "examples of strengthening" for the president to follow the legal career. 

The Justice also thanked her peers in the Court of Justice for leading her to the presidency and cited God as the constituent of all authority with divine purpose. "The magistrate is ordained by God to exercise the priesthood which consists in the distribution of justice and social peace according to the heart of God," she said, emphasizing that she believes herself to be an "instrument of God to serve society."

Experience as chief of justice

The president recalled her origins of simple family descendant of merchants from the interior of the state of São Paulo, without important relatives, who migrated to the state of Goiás in search of a new life and her trajectory as a server of the Judiciary of the state of Goiás between 1980 and 1989 when she took office as a judge in the state of Tocantins, on September 29th of 1989. 

The Justice recalled that in her career as a judge she has passed through several counties and acted in the civil, criminal and courts until being promoted to a Justice. Since then, she has chaired Chambers and been part of several committees in the TJTO and in the previous biennium, she led the General Internal Affairs of Justice under a management guided by "dialogue and transparency, with the aim of improving the provision of services, both judicial and extrajudicial".  

She also highlighted that her management in the body fully met the 79 institutional goals, allowed her to know the reality and judges and servers of the 36 counties and completing outstanding projects, such as the free supply of more than 1,6 thousand civil registration documents to people of the state of Tocantins in a situation of social vulnerability.

The programs for recognition of paternity, promotion of civil marriage to persons deprived of liberty, the development and implementation of a tool that centralizes data from the registry offices, the Gise, and the delivery of more than 15,000 property titles during the presidency of the National Land Forum of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, which also exercised, were also highlighted by the Justice. 

At the end of her speech, Maysa Rosal said she expects to count on the dedication and talent of each server, magistrate and collaborator that make up the judiciary and reaffirmed that its way of administering will continue to be guided by dialogue and transparency. "I know that together we will be able to build a more modern, efficient and humane judiciary, up to the expectations of society". 


The tenure ceremony was attended by governor Wanderlei Barbosa; deputy governor, Laurez Moreira; president of the Legislative Assembly, deputy Amélio Cayres; mayors Eduardo Siqueira Campos (Palmas); Josi Nunes (Gurupi); Ronivon Maciel (Porto Nacional); Celso Morais (Paraíso); the president of the Court of Audit of the State, André Luiz de Matos Gonçalves; the general attorney of Justice, Abel Andrade Leal Júnior; the president of the Association of Magistrates of the state of Tocantins, Judge Allan Martins; the president of the Bar Association of Brazil, sectional Tocantins, Gedeon Batista Pitaluga Júnior; the public defender of the state of Tocantins, Pedro Alexandre Conceição Aires Gonçalves; the general attorney of the State, Irana de Sousa Coelho Aguiar. Justice Hilo de Almeida Sousa, president of the National Forum and Deputy Speaker of the Extrajudicial Forum of the State of Piauí; Justice Angela Maria Moraes Salazar, representing the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Maranhão, Justice José de Ribamar Froz Sobrinho; the head of the Union Public Defender’s Office, Igor de Andrade Barbosa; the director of the Federal Justice Forum, Igor Itapary Pinheiro; the director of the Labor Forum of the city of Palmas, Reinaldo Martini, the retired Justice of the TJTO Daniel Negry, among other authorities.

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