With the arrival of April, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) continues with an intense program of training for servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and for society in general.
On April 10th, the class on "Techniques for producing oral evidence" will start, which aims to provide students with a set of methods to obtain better collaboration from the deponents, encouraging veracity in the narratives, contributing to the identification of possible distortions of the truth inserted in the testimonial discourse.
On April 18th, Esmat will be promoting the III Webinar on "Citizenship and Justice from the Indigenous of the State of Tocantins Point of View - A necessary and rightful dialogue". The event, which will be entirely online, will have the participation of indigenous leaders and legal experts.
The presentation of the course on "Elaboration of decisions drafts" will be available for viewing on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as of April 18th. Throughout the training, the participants will learn about the structure of jurisprudence drafts, in order to highlight their function and importance in the system of binding precedents. Those registered should beware to the information regarding the course.
Esmat will also offer other training throughout the month of April, as the course on "Recognizing the Moodle resources", aimed at servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and also servers of the Partner Bodies of Esmat. The training will start on the 20th and it will cover the main Moodle tools, aiming to facilitate the understanding of coordinators, professors and tutors in the use of the resources of the platform.
On the 24th, there will be two more courses that will start simultaneously. The first one is about emotional intelligence and management of emotions, whose goal is to guide and train employees for the development of resources at work, allowing more facility and consistency, with the proper understanding of their emotions and feelings when pondering the daily situations with the team. The second is the training to act in the "Awakening Time" program, an initiative of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) aimed at fighting violence against women.
Finally, on the 27th and 28th, a workshop on productivity will be held, focusing on the parameterization of domestic violence and feminicide cases. The action aims to promote knowledge of the importance of the correct registration of classes, matters and movements involving these processes, in order to account for the official statistical reports of the National Council of Justice.
Registration for the events mentioned above will be made available later on the Portal of the School. Beware to our social networks and website for more information about registration dates and requirements for participating in the courses and events.