I Literary tea of Esmat: an invitation to immerse yourself in the literary world

It is with a great pleasure that we invite all the public servers and magistrates of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) to virtually participate in the 1st Literary Tea of the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), where several prizes will be raffled off for those registered.

The event will be broadcast live on the YouTube Channel of the School, providing an opportunity for all the public servers and magistrates to participate from any district of the State of Tocantins. During the literary tea, participants will have the opportunity to compete in exclusive raffles.

In addition, the action will also feature the presence of special guests and artistic performances, such as poetry recitals, which promise to surprise and delight the public. To participate, simply access the registration link clicking here.

The event will be held next Monday (April 3rd), at 2 pm, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Esmat. So don’t miss the opportunity to participate and compete for these amazing prizes. The action is exclusive for public servers and magistrates. We are waiting for you!

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